Tom’s Weekly Update

Tom's Update
There I go again assuming everyone reads this in the morning, however, whatever time you get to it, THANK YOU. Everyone, some not named, have had a great influence on the week just past. A special Thanks to Rick for getting everything ready for the Earth Day show in Clear Lake, Great success! Many visitors and many leads to have Solar. Let’s keep up the Great Work. Thank You to Leeroy for helping to man the booth.
I have added several reading requirements to the CRM Document list that cover the semi-new direction we hope to take in the industry. The leading part of this is the change from direct conversion of our generated power to Alternating Current Power, and letting the grid decide the outcome. With the addition of a storage system, and have each system installed added to the control, (For lack of a better term), control group, we (The Group) control when we sell, what we sell, and at what price! More to come on this over the next few weeks but for now, keep it in mind as it will lower the initial cost as well as shorten the ROI!
You will be receiving a few flyers from the Admin this week! Look for them and see if they don’t light up the day
Two additional items I would like to cover is Sales and Recruitment. As always sales is the life blood of any company and Q-Energy is no exception. Sales drives us to where we want to go! We have a tremendous responsibility to get Solar Generation to Everyone! Is this a realistic goal you may ask? It is, if we believe it is! For now, making our presence felt in the 17 Midwestern States by the year 2020 is still doable. GOTTA LOVE IT!
Bring everyone you meet, that needs a job, or that wants more out of their work than a weekly pay check! The statement has been make “ The Greatest Transfer of Wealth will take place in the next 10 years as Renewables Energy Brings Electricity to Everyone! This I Believe! Is this my primary motivator? No, but it is one of them. To be able to do what each of us can do with our earnings, is up to each of us. Help where we can as guided by our standard, providing for our families as determined by each person’s definition of family and/or relationships. That is what is so phenomenal about being an American! I’m sure you have heard me say “In America, Each of us is where each of us want to be!” “Yes, this is still the land of opportunity and the streets are paved with Gold.”
Thank You everyone and God Bless!
Tom Sims